A Universe From Someone: Essays on Natural Theology (Wipf & Stock, 2022)

After a substantial author’s Preface recounting the author’s life-journey with the question of God’s existence, A Universe From Someone pulls together Essays and Opening Speeches from debates (including the 2011 ‘God is not a delusion’ debate at the Cambridge Union) that jointly cover a wide variety of theistic arguments. Together with a foreword by noted philosopher J.P. Moreland, an annotated bibliography highlighting ‘Four Dozen Key Resources on Apologetics and Natural Theology in an Age of Science’, and other recommended resources, A Universe From Someone offers an informed overview of the contemporary case for God.

Download Front Cover / Request review here, exam copy here

Available from Wipf & Stock, amazon.co.uk, amazon.com, donner.nl

Praise for A Universe From Someone

‘A truly excellent primer on arguing for God’s existence.’ – W. David Beck, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, Liberty University, and author of Does God Exist?: A History of Answers to the Question (IVP Academic, 2021).

‘In this crisp and lucid book, Peter Williams provides an accessible and informative account of the current case for God.’ – Rik Peels, Associate Professor in Philosophy and Religion & Theology, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.

‘Williams has written an excellent introduction and guide to natural theology… and the author’s weaving together his personal story into the book to show the relevance of these natural theological arguments. In addition, the author robustly engages contemporary dissenting non-theistic voices with pointed responses of his own. A valuable book!’ – Paul Copan, Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics, Palm Beach Atlantic University, and co-editor of The Naturalness of Belief: New Essays on Theism’s Rationality (Lexington, 2019).

‘This accessible contribution is a useful guide to those looking to gain deeper understanding of arguments for God’s existence.’ – Sam McKee, lecturer in the philosophy of science, Manchester Metropolitan University

‘In my opinion [A Universe From Someone] is the top work currently available that (1) provides an insightful overview of the re-emergence of (especially Christian) natural theology for the last seventy-five years or so; (2) offers a readable, but quite substantive presentation of updated versions of the key arguments that have constituted this re-emergence. Along the way, Williams offers new development of important, but less popular arguments in natural theology. As if that were not enough, the well-selected, large, annotated bibliography is alone worth the price of the book. Williams knows the literature well and he has well-developed skills in taking hard material and making it accessible to a wide audience in an engaging way. I am so thankful for this important book. Read it and get the bigger picture of what’s been going on in debates about God’s existence.’ – J.P. Moreland, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, and co-editor of the Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012).


BioCosmos interview on Natural Theology: A Universe From Someone

On-line (mostly original publication) versions of some of the material in A Universe From Someone:

Cambridge Union Debate – “This house believes that God is not a Delusion” – Opening Speech

Cardiff University Debate – “Does God Exist?” – Opening Speech

“Can Moral Realism Do Without God?”, version 3. The original version published in Norwegian in Theofilos (2012)

A Universe From Someone – A Critique of Lawrence Krauss (2012)

A Brief Introduction to and Defence of the Modern Ontological Argument originally published in Theofilos (Volume 7, 2015:3)

A Beginner’s Guide to the Theistic Argument from Desire

Natural Theology and Science in Contemporary Apologetic Context: An Overview originally published in Theofilos (Vol. 12, 2020, issue 1.)

Four dozen key resources on apologetics and natural theology in an age of science

Amazon Lists of Recommended Resources

Amazon List: Recommended reading for aspiring apologists

Amazon List: Debating God and Jesus


Arguing for God (Fjellhaug International College in Oslo, 2022)

ELF 2022: Can We Believe In God In An Age Of Science? Post Conference Seminar (Parts One to Six)

A Christian Worldview and Science in Apologetic Perspective: Cosmos

Cosmic Fine Tuning: Design or Multiverse?

Arguing for God

Debate: Does God Exist? Peter S. Williams vs. Einar Bohn at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim


YouTube Playlist, “Natural Theology

YouTube Playlist, “Debating God

Videos Featuring Peter S. Williams

Debate Videos

Short Videos Featuring Peter S. Williams