
Based in Southampton, England, Christian philosopher and apologist Peter S. Williams (MA, MPhil, PGCert) is an Assistant Professor in Communication and Worldviews at NLA University College, in Kristiansand, Norway.

Peter aims to serve God, his Church and his world through a ministry of writing and speaking internationally on behalf of the truth, goodness and beauty of following Jesus.

Over three decades, Peter has sought to model a Christian approach to philosophy as “the wise pursuit and dissemination of true answers to significant questions,” and has developed a vision of apologetics as “a spiritual discipline of loving, humble service, using responsible rhetoric to help people be persuaded that a God-centered way of life that integrates our assumptions, attitudes and actions through faithfulness to Jesus as Lord, is a rational, good and beautiful choice to embrace.”

Peter is a trustee of the Christian Evidence Society, a Montgomery Trust Lecturer (book Peter to talk on-line or in-person through them and they’ll cover any travel expenses and give him a payment!), and is both an apologetics mentor and travelling speaker for the European Leadership Forum.

Peter has publicly debated the existence of God with philosophers including Einar Duenger Bøhn, A.C. Grayling, Michael Martin and Christopher Norris, and has given talks at conferences and other events for both professional and lay audiences in many countries around Europe. He has appeared on a variety of radio programs (e.g. Evangelical Voice of Romania Radio, Premier Christian Radio) and podcasts (e.g. Apologetics315, ID the Future, Pints with Jack, Snakk Om Tro, When Belief Dies).

Peter has published 15 books, and has co-authored, co-edited or contributed to another dozen. He have also published 11 peer reviewed papers (in journals including Philosophia Christi, LinguacultureTheofilos and Think), and has contributed articles to various journals, magazines and websites.

Peter’s books include: Behold the Man: Essays on the Historical Jesus (Wipf & Stock, 2024), An Informed CosmosEssays on Intelligent Design Theory (Wipf & Stock, 2023), A Universe From SomeoneEssays on Natural Theology (Wipf & Stock, 2022), Apologetics in 3DEssays on Apologetics and Spirituality (Wipf & Stock, 2021), Outgrowing GodA Beginner’s Guide to Richard Dawkins and the God Debate (Cascade, 2020), Getting at JesusA Comprehensive Critique of Neo-Atheist Nonsense About the Jesus of History (Wipf & Stock, 2019), A Faithful Guide to PhilosophyA Christian Introduction to the Love of Wisdom (Wipf & Stock, 2019), C.S. Lewis vs the New Atheists (Paternoster, 2013), Understanding Jesus: Five Ways to Spiritual Enlightenment (Paternoster, 2011) and A Sceptic’s Guide to Atheism (Paternoster, 2009).

Curriculum Vitae: CV_PSW_2025

Name: Peter S. Williams

Nationality: English

Date of birth: 23rd September 1974

Church affiliation: Highfield Church, Southampton (www.highfield.org.uk/main/index.php)


After taking A-Levels in English Literature, Classical Civilization and Music at Portsmouth Sixth-Form College, Peter read philosophy at Cardiff University – alongside English Literature and Music in the first year – (BA, 1994-1996), Sheffield University (MA, 1996-1997) and at the University of East Anglia in Norwich (MPhil, 1997-1999). From January 2023 to January 2024, Peter studied a Master’s level “Post Graduate Certificate in Educational Practice” (PGCert) with Bournemouth University, passing with distinction in March 2024.

Work History

Peter spent three years as a student worker at Holy Trinity church in Leicester (1999-2002). During this time he also studied for a Diploma in Theology. He moved to Southampton in 2002 to work along-side educational charity Damaris Trust, which he did until the charity closed in 2015. His work with Damaris included a lead role in developing the content and multi-media delivery of Damaris philosophy & ethics conferences for A-Level students, and in training presenters for these conferences (see https://ethoseducation.org/conferences/). In February 2009, Peter became an “Assistant Professor in Communication and Worldviews” at Gimlekollen School of Journalism and Communication in Kristiansand (now NLA University College), Norway. With NLA, he has taught and/or tutored students in Logic, Theology & Science, and Christian apologetics.


Website: www.peterswilliams.com

Podbean Podcast: http://podcast.peterswilliams.com/

Forum of Christian Leaders: https://foclonline.org/users/peter-s-williams-0

Bethinking.org – resources by Peter S. Williams: https://www.bethinking.org/author/peter-s-williams

Evangelical Philosophy Society web author profile: http://epsociety.org/library/authors.asp?mode=profile&pid=37

UK Centre for Intelligent Design – paper’s by Peter S. Williams: https://www.c4id.org.uk/publisher/search.aspx?searchString=Peter+S.+Williams

Access Research Network featured author: www.arn.org/authors/williams.html

Montgomery Trust Lecturer: www.montgomerytrust.org.uk/book-a-lecturer/lecturer-profiles/peter-s-williams/

Solo Publications

Behold the Man: Essays on the Historical Jesus (Wipf and Stock, 2024)

An Informed Cosmos: Essays on Intelligent Design Theory (Wipf and Stock, 2023)

A Universe From Someone: Essays on Natural Theology (Wipf & Stock, 2022)

Apologetics in 3D: Essays on Apologetics and Spirituality (Wipf & Stock, 2021)

Outgrowing God? A Beginner’s Guide to Richard Dawkins and the God Debate (Cascade 2020)

Getting at Jesus: A Comprehensive Critique of Neo-Atheist Nonsense About the Jesus of History (Wipf & Stock, 2019)

A Faithful Guide to Philosophy: A Christian Introduction to the Love of Wisdom (Wipf & Stock, 2019)

A Faithful Guide to Philosophy: A Christian Introduction to the Love of Wisdom (Paternoster, 2013)

C.S. Lewis vs. the New Atheists (Paternoster, 2013)

Understanding Jesus: Five Ways to Spiritual Enlightenment (Paternoster, 2011)

A Sceptic’s Guide to Atheism: God Is Not Dead (Paternoster, 2009)

I Wish I Could Believe in Meaning: A Response to Nihilism (Damaris, 2004)

The Case for Angels (Paternoster, 2003)

The Case for God (Monarch, 1999)


With Craig L. Blomberg, Richard Carrier and Carl Stecher, Resurrection: Faith or Fact? (Pickwick, 2019)

With Sophie Lister, The Sixth Borough: The Search for Hope in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (Damaris, 2012)

With Steve Couch and Tony Watkins, Back in Time: A Thinking Fan’s Guide to Doctor Who (Damaris, 2005)


With Michael Ward, C.S. Lewis in Poets’ Corner: Commemorative addresses by Rowan Williams, Alister McGrath, Malcolm Guite and others (Wipf & Stock, 2016)

Contributed Chapters:

Peter S. Williams, ‘Autobiographical Thoughts on the Wisdom of Faith’  & ‘Evidence, Explanation, and Expectation’ in Carl Stecher and Craig L. Blomberg with contributions by Richard Carrier and Peter S. Williams, Resurrection: Faith or Fact? (Pickwick, 2019)

Paul Copan, Tremper Longman, Michael Strauss, and Christopher Reese ed.’s, Dictionary of Christianity and Science (Zondervan, 2015)

Peter S. Williams: ‘Pro: A Defense of C. S. Lewis’s Argument from Desire”’, pp. 27-44 & ‘Reply to Gregory Bassham’, pp. 57-68 in Gregory Bassham ed., C.S. Lewis’ Apologetics: For and Against (Rodolpi-Brill, 2015)

‘An Atheist’s Guide to the Gospels’ in BibleFresh (Authentic, 2011)

Playing God: Talking About Ethics in Medicine and Technology (Damaris, 2006)

Spooked: Talking About the Supernatural (Damaris, 2006)

Truth Wars: Talking About Tolerance (Damaris, 2005)

Sex and the Cynics: Talking About the Search for Love (Damaris, 2005)

Matrix Revelations: A Thinking Fan’s Guide to the Matrix Trilogy (Damaris, 2004)

Endorsements and Reviews:

Behold the Man: Essays on the Historical Jesus

“For those who care about evidence, Peter S. Williams here offers us some impressive arguments for the historical reliability of the New Testament account of Jesus. The treatments of the Epistle of James and the Fourth Gospel offered fresh and original points, and Williams summarizes a large swathe of evidence in a clear and responsible manner. Highly recommended.” – C. Stephen Evans, Emeritus University Professor of Philosophy and Humanities, Baylor University.

“Peter S. Williams is a quintessential researcher on the historical Jesus, and Behold the Man is the sort of high-quality, rigorous, and fascinating treatise we have come to expect from him. However, what makes this book absolutely unique is Williams’ expertise in philosophy and the deft way he interweaves the two disciplines. The result is a tour de force on the interplay between worldview assumptions and the task of explaining and interpreting historical facts in an objective way. This alone is worth the price of the book. But there’s more that is unique to Behold the Man. For example, in arguing for an early high Christology, Williams shows that James (the earliest book in the New Testament, rooted in a Jewish milieu) has a high Christology. And his focus on the historicity of John’s gospel is a complementary approach to the traditional focus on Paul and the Synoptics. Finally, Williams shows he has in mind a general audience ensconced in popular culture by critiquing theories about ‘ancient aliens’ and powerfully responding to the writings of Bart Ehrman. Honestly, there is nothing like this book. Get it and buy copies for your friends!” – J.P. Moreland, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University and co-author (with Brandon Rickabaugh) of The Substance of ConsciousnessA Comprehensive Defense of Contemporary Substance Dualism (Wiley Blackwell, 2023).

“In this impressive and richly documented volume, Peter S. Williams reexamines the historical Jesus. He draws on archaeological and textual evidence, but also shows time and again how we need rigorous philosophical theorizing to assess the arguments in this debate. His lucid work provides an important contribution to a conversation that merits attention from all those interested in the philosophy of religion and the tenability of the Christian faith.” – Rik Peels, Professor of Analytical and Interdisciplinary Philosophy of Religion in the University Research Chair at the Faculty of Religion & Theology and the Faculty of Humanities, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and author of Life Without GodAn Outsider’s View of Atheism (Cambridge University Press, 2023).

“Just when I thought that it was virtually impossible to say anything truly unique about the historical Jesus, Peter S. Williams’s book, Behold the ManEssays on the Historical Jesus made its way to me. This is an insightful book that not only demands reading but also rewards re-reading. At points, I thought to myself, “This is obviously true, why have I never seen anyone make this point?” At other points, I thought, “That was very well argued.” If you have become jaded about the Quest of the Historical Jesus – as many of us have – I encourage you not only to buy Williams’s collection of essays, but also to read them! You don’t have to agree with Williams on each and every point to benefit from his research; but you will conclude that his positions are at the very least plausible. I highly recommend this unique book.” – Robert B. Stewart, Professor of Philosophy and Theology, Greer-Heard Chair of Faith and Culture, and Director, Christian Apologetics Program, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

An Informed Cosmos: Essays on Intelligent Design Theory

‘Williams does a thorough job demonstrating the inconsistencies, circumlocutions, and question-begging of top materialist thinkers as they try to wriggle free of the overpowering evidence for the intelligent design of life.’ – Michael J. Behe, Professor of Biological Sciences at Lehigh University, and author of Darwin’s Black Box.

‘Williams provides a rich ‘lode’ of insights challenging the popular dogma that the living world is entirely the product of mindless, motiveless matter.’ – Neil Broom, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Auckland, and author of How Blind is the Watchmaker?

‘With clarity and erudition, Williams provides an evidential and philosophical defense of the empirical and conceptual merits of intelligent design.’ – Dr Stephen C. Meyer, director of Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture in Seattle, and author of Signature in the CellDarwin’s Doubt and The Return of the God Hypothesis.

‘Beautifully illustrated, pervasively researched, and clearly written, Peter S. Williams’s An Informed Cosmos is a delightful read chock full of rich, sophisticated ideas.’ – J.P. Moreland, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Biola University, and author of Scientism and Secularism.

An Informed Cosmos is a delightful, intellectually stimulating appraisal of the pervasive design inference in the reasoning of proponents and opponents of Intelligent Design… I wholeheartedly recommend this work for its insightful analysis and rigorous exposé.’ – Frederik van Niekerk, Professor in the Unit for Energy and Technology Systems, Faculty of Engineering, North-West University, South Africa.

‘Peter S. Williams has crafted an impressive, well-informed case for intelligent design, exposing the shortcomings of contemporary naturalism and countering objections to ID with forceful counter-arguments.’ – Charles Taliaferro, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, and Emeritus Oscar and Gertrude Boe Overby Distinguished Professor, St. Olaf College.

‘Williams has done tremendous work compressing the most recent and relevant research and literature on ID into one single volume… This is science promotion on a hot topic in a brilliant way, and I am happy to recommend it.’ – Steinar Thorvaldsen, Professor of Information Science, The Arctic University of Norway.

A Universe From Someone: Essays on Natural Theology

‘A truly excellent primer on arguing for God’s existence.’ – W. David Beck, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, Liberty University, and author of Does God Exist?: A History of Answers to the Question (IVP Academic, 2021).

‘In this crisp and lucid book, Peter Williams provides an accessible and informative account of the current case for God.’ – Rick Peels, Associate Professor in Philosophy and Religion & Theology at Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.

‘Williams has written an excellent introduction and guide to natural theology… and the author’s weaving together his personal story into the book to show the relevance of these natural theological arguments. In addition, the author robustly engages contemporary dissenting non-theistic voices with pointed responses of his own. A valuable book!’ – Paul Copan, Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics, Palm Beach Atlantic University, and co-editor of The Naturalness of Belief: New Essays on Theism’s Rationality (Lexington, 2019).

‘In my opinion [A Universe From Someone] is the top work currently available that (1) provides an insightful overview of the re-emergence of (especially Christian) natural theology for the last seventy-five years or so; (2) offers a readable, but quite substantive presentation of updated versions of the key arguments that have constituted this re-emergence. Along the way, Williams offers new development of important, but less popular arguments in natural theology. As if that were not enough, the well-selected, large, annotated bibliography is alone worth the price of the book. Williams knows the literature well and he has well-developed skills in taking hard material and making it accessible to a wide audience in an engaging way. I am so thankful for this important book. Read it and get the bigger picture of what’s been going on in debates about God’s existence.’ – J.P. Moreland, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, and co-editor of the Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012).

Apologetics in 3D: Essays on Apologetics and Spirituality

‘In Apologetics in 3D Williams accomplishes two important tasks. First, he gives a broad survey of Meta-apologetics – that is, theories of apologetics. He achieves this task through a careful discussion of the approach of leading apologists. Second, he argues for a more holistic approach to apologetics. Following Paul Gould, Makoto Fujimura, and others, he makes a case for appealing to seeker’s hearts and well as their minds. This short book is packed with insight and will stimulate discussion for years to come.’ – Gregory E. Ganssle, Professor of Philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University

Outgrowing God? A Beginner’s Guide to Richard Dawkins and the God Debate

‘[a] delightful dialogue/critique of one influential atheist’s philosophy…’ – Craig Blomberg, Distinguished Professor of New Testament, Denver Seminary

‘[A] solid, readable response to the New Atheism [with] an engaging, dialogical format.’ – Paul Copan, Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics, Palm Beach Atlantic University

‘Excellent work . . . engaging, interesting and insightful.’ – Lars Dahle, Associate Professor in Systematic Theology and Christian Apologetics at NLA University College, Norway

Outgrowing God? is an important and insightful book… I highly recommend it.’ –  J.P. Moreland, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Biola University

‘provides many stimulating arguments on an introductory, easy-to-understand level… William’s communicative approach quickly capture’s one’s attention, tackling decisive philosophical, theological, historical and scientific arguments, and providing many useful resources…’ – Martin Heide, Professor of Semitic Languages, Phillip University in Marburg, Germany

Getting at Jesus: A Comprehensive Critique of Neo-Atheist Nonsense About the Jesus of History

‘If you are looking for a one-stop comprehensive and up-to-date critique of the new atheists, look no further – this is it.’ – Tim Dieppe, Foundations Journal 78 (Spring 2020), see full review here

‘Peter Williams is a highly regarded Christian intellectual, and his writings and lectures always engage important topics in a rigorous and skilful way. Getting at Jesus may be his best and most important book to date. The book manages to be, at once, well researched, insightful in the topics covered, very well ordered in the flow of the book’s argument, and interesting to read. I highly endorse Williams’ outstanding contribution to believers and unbelievers alike.’ – J.P. Moreland, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Biola University in La Mirada, California

‘Are the high profile neo-atheists right when they claim that there is little-to-no evidence for the existence of Jesus, much less his exulted self-understanding, the historical reliability of the Gospels, or the veracity of the resurrection? Peter S. Williams leaves no stone unturned to amass the most comprehensive collection of scholarly testimony against these novel and misguided claims that is available today. Time and time again, he shows how the critics do not even follow their own alleged standards for truth. A must read for anyone who cares about evidence and not just propaganda.’ – Craig L. Blomberg, Distinguished Professor of New Testament, Denver Seminary

A Faithful Guide to Philosophy: A Christian Introduction to the Love of Wisdom

“a practical, readable guide to leading philosophical questions, showing how the Christian faith brings illuminating answers to them. This volume is accessible and incisive, and it furnishes the reader with a wide array of resources in order to delve more deeply into these matters. Highly recommended!”
 – Paul Copan, Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics, Palm Beach Atlantic University

‘an invaluable text for Christians who wish to engage with philosophy. This isn’t the usual abstract overview, but rather provides the reader with a human experience where their commitment to Christ is nurtured and their needs as a learner are embraced whilst also achieving academic rigour. Every Christian student of philosophy ought to have this book both on their desk and at their bedside.’ – Trevor Cooling, Professor of Christian Education at Canterbury Christ Church University and co-editor of the Journal of Education and Christian Belief

A Faithful Guide to Philosophy is faithful, not only in the sense of being reliable, but also in the sense of being infused with a Christian world and life view. It is encouraging to see that this text is centered in natural theology and the philosophy of mind, for these are two areas of vital importance to the Christian faith, for which we must contend vigorously in our increasingly secular society. Williams’ focus is well chosen and his arguments interesting and persuasive.’ – William Lane Craig, Research Professor of Philosophy at the Talbot School of Theology

‘Peter S. Williams is a sure-footed guide to philosophy in general, and philosophy of religion in particular. He picks his way through knotty arguments with exemplary clarity lightened by a dry sense of humour. Although he is open about his own Christian commitment, he is equally rigorous in his assessment of arguments for theism as he is with arguments against.’ – Dr Daniel J. Hill, Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Liverpool University

‘This is an excellent book for introduction to the study of philosophy from the perspective of the Christian faith… The writer models the “love of wisdom” he recommends by his open, engaging and balanced approach, and shows abilities as both a thinker and communicator. His discussion with the New Atheists throughout the book makes it engaging and up to date. Both teachers and students will also appreciate the resource list after each chapter, pointing to a lot of high quality video, audio and written material… The book clearly shows the importance of philosophy for Christians, and the relevance of the Christian faith to philosophy.’ – Bjørn Hinderaker, Assistant Professor at Gimlekollen School of Journalism and Communication in Norway

‘This book is a highly accessible, stimulating introduction to logic, the nature of argument and philosophy written from a Christian perspective by an author who understands his subject and knows how to communicate it at the right level. This book, which is a delight to read and is full of useful references to books, articles, websites and other media, has the potential to de-mystify philosophy for a generation of young people and provide an excellent resource to enable them to articulate their faith… against all New Atheist claims to the contrary.’ – Professor John C. Lennox, Fellow in Mathematics and Philosophy of Science at Green Templeton College, Oxford

A Faithful Guide to Philosophy is an extremely well-researched book that is tightly argued, excellent in topic selection, deep in coverage yet readable in style. Williams had done a masterful job of producing a book that is now a must read for Christians who want to explore the intellectual underpinnings of their faith. I highly recommend this delightful volume.’ – J.P. Moreland, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Biola University in La Mirada, California

‘This book… is simply brilliant and as far as I know, a complete original – the first UK textbook to offer an introduction to philosophy from a Christian perspective… It is a real tour de force, combining conciseness with crystal clarity and yet avoiding superficiality… I particularly love the way in which Williams show his gift of explaining really slippery concepts in an easily understood phrase or illustration… Many popular contemporary philosophers such as A C Grayling do tend to be very unsettling to Christian believers and give the impression that their agnostic or atheist stance is intrinsic to the subject. Williams blows that myth right out of the water and I found my own faith really built up and affirmed by reading this book. “All truth is God’s truth” and Williams ably demonstrates that philosophy is no exception.’ – Trevor Stammers, Programme Director in bioethics and medical law at St Mary’s University, Twickenham

C.S. Lewis vs. the New Atheists

‘Given the New Atheists’ confident rejection of religious belief, one might have thought that their case would stand up to scrutiny when compared with the most prominent Christian apologist of the twentieth century, C.S. Lewis. In this book, Peter Williams clearly demonstrates that this is not the case at all. He shows that Lewis rejected his earlier atheism as a result of an in-depth consideration of the nature of reality, whereas the New Atheists fail to back up their rhetoric with any serious evaluation of the arguments. This highly readable book will be of interest to all who wish to evaluate the New Atheism and to understand the enduring legacy of C.S. Lewis.’ – Dr David Glass

‘While they terrify many an unprepared soul, the new atheists are really paper tigers. Their roar rings hollow, their swagger lack intellectual rigor. Their arguments, while strident, are really hapless and hollow. Williams carefully exposes their fallacies and rebuts their arguments with biblical and intellectual rigor. This is a savvy work of apologetics for our day.’ – Douglas Groothuis, Professor of Philosophy, Denver Seminary

Understanding Jesus: Five Ways to Spiritual Enlightenment

‘Peter Williams gives five powerful reasons for thinking that God revealed himself in Jesus Christ… If you think there just might be something in Christianity, you need to read this book.’ – Angus J.L. Menuge, Professor of Philosophy, Concordia University

‘Williams gathers diverse strands of apologetic argument to present them afresh in contemporary context. With an eye to the alternatives, he drives his cumulative case home with intellectual verve. This book is a challenge to disbelief, and encourages renewed confidence in understanding the reality of Jesus today.’ – Anna Robbins, Vice Principle and Senior Lecturer in Theology and Contemporary Culture, London School of Theology

‘Peter S. Williams [marshalls] a huge amount of extant data and insight, into a conceptual framework which makes it easy to engage with. One of the real strengths of his writing is that he manages to take his own high-level familiarity with the academic issues and source texts, and translate this material into a format which is immediately accessible to the rest of us… delivering solid food for those who really want to understand who Jesus actually is… This is an excellent contribution to this core challenge of Christian belief: who was/is Jesus? Williams’ background helps him to interact thoughtfully with the key philosophies which frequently drive the suppositions and worldviews of atheism. You’ll find a helpful consideration of Hume’s arguments against miracles, for example… There’s some really useful interaction with the philosophical engines driving liberal theology and higher criticism. There are extensive quotations from the writings of leading atheists, demonstrating the range of opinions and conflicts between them when it comes to how they deal with the historical Christ. Each chapter is helpfully structured, and at the end of each there is a list of additional reading resources, many of them online… Overall, the book is a delight. The prose is unpretentious but utterly clear and unambiguous… This work is an invaluable tool for ordinary Christians, in helping to reinforce the intellectual underpinnings of biblical faith in Christ – and I will certainly be recommending it to those who are active in their local churches, especially any who are involved in communicating the Gospel. It will also be a challenging read for agnostics who are prepared to interact with the historic data with an enquiring mind.’ – Kevin Moss

A Sceptic’s Guide to Atheism

‘Peter S. Williams’ new book A Sceptic’s Guide to Atheism… takes the arguments of “The New Atheists” to pieces.’ – Dr Robin Parry

‘Williams’s reply to the emergence of militant public atheism is as timely as it is devastating.’ – Angus J. Menuge, Professor of Philosophy, Concordia University

‘a definite thumbs-up for Peter Williams’ A Sceptic’s Guide to Atheism, which contains a lot of helpful material for responding to the new atheists’ attempts to dismiss religious belief and experience as an illusion (which helped me considerably in presentations I gave at UCLA and Fort Wayne).’ – Dr. Angus J. Menuge (on the EPS blog).

‘The new atheism is like the Titanic leaving Southampton. Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, and her other captains proclaim her unsinkable. Surely she will obliterate all obstacles in her path – especially religious faith. In this insightful book, Peter Williams shows that a carefully articulated, philosophically grounded faith is to the new atheism what hitting an iceberg was to the Titanic. The lesson is clear and urgent: get off while you still can!’ – Dr. William A. Dembski

‘Williams’ painstaking analysis attempts to get inside the atheist mindset by investigating a potpourri of charges against Christianity, constructed from a wide range of atheological perspectives. He responds with excellent rejoinders and counterarguments, producing a highly instructive give-and-take. The overall effort is a coherent, well-reasoned defence of Christian Theism that challenges the best atheist attacks. As Williams concludes, he has seen nothing that comes close to undermining the Christian faith.’ –  Gary R. Habermas, Distinguished Research Professor, Liberty University

‘deserves to be on the shelves of every minister who has not yet sought to grapple with the issues that the new atheists raise. The particular merit of this book is that it… deals thematically with the objections to Christian faith that all these [new atheist] writers raise… a devastating demolition.’ – Philip Clements-Jewery, Ministry Today

‘A Sceptic’s Guide to Atheism is a lively and provocative read. Williams offers a robust response to the anti-religious claims of “The New Atheists”.’ – Book Worm @ http://thatsbooks.blogspot.com/

‘The strength of Williams’s book comes in his careful and considered analysis of [new atheist] views and his convincing demonstration of their intellectual inadequacy. His case is strengthened by the judicious use of equally critical comments by atheist and agnostic reviewers… for students and teachers in higher education, together with church leaders and others who may have colleagues at work who have been influenced by these polemical atheists, this book is highly commended.’ – Rev. Dr. Brian Talbot, Evangelicals Now, July 2009

‘a philosophical repost to… the “popular mass media evangelists” of atheism [that] weighs the arguments of the atheist apologists and, unsurprisingly but nonetheless encouragingly, finds them wanting… this is a brave – and scholarly – attempt to fight fire with fire… Williams provides a well researched and thought provoking appendix setting out “the evidence for Jesus”… the value of this book lies in providing useful insights into the classic arguments of both atheism and Christianity – for personal and public use.’ – Bob Little, Baptist Minister’s Journal

‘This is a welcome book. Firstly it pitches well to reclaim the word “sceptic” to its original meaning… rather than as a synonym for atheist. We know that atheists are sceptical about the claims of religion, but the religious are just as sceptical about the claims of atheism. And Peter Williams sets out to show how and why the religious are sceptical of the claims of atheism. He does this by many arguments, across the field of the God debate. He knows the atheists’ arguments well and quotes their key points and references before going on to interact with them and show up their logical or evidential flaws. For those who see Dawkins’ The God Delusion as holy writ this will be unsettling. This book is very carefully written trying to be fair to those authors and ideas which it critiques. I can recommend it either to theists who want to disturb the certainties of their atheist friends, or to atheists who are beginning to reflect on their position… If you want a good overview of the strong arguments against atheism then this book is a good place to start.’ – Nicholas P.G. Davies (M.D) – amazon.co.uk

A Sceptic’s Guide To Atheism… is a decisive confutation of the new atheism. Nuanced, balanced, erudite and charitable, Williams explores each of the best new atheistic arguments for atheism and against theism, and shows them seriously flawed (fallacious, resting on unjustified or even false assumptions, inconsistent, etc.). A major virtue of Williams’ book is that his arguments don’t assume the truth of Christian theism… Another interesting aspect of Williams’ book is his explanation of what “faith” actually means in Christian theism, and how the new atheists constantly misrespresent the concept, and how they themselves concede that some of their positions are based on faith… The works of serious Christian philosophers (like Edward Feser, Alvin Plantinga, etc.), including some of Williams’ articles and also his book, have convinced me that “faith”, properly understood in its Christian sense, is not an irrational or blind belief, but a belief based on the deliverances of reason… Hence, providing a much needed clarification and evidence for what “faith” actually means in Christian theism is another great contribution of Williams’ book… Williams’ book is, without a doubt, one of the best up-to-date critical resources about contemporary new atheism. I strongly recommend this book for all the seekers for the truth, regardless of their theological (or anti-theological) persuasions.’ – http://subversivethinking.blogspot.com/2011/12/brief-review-of-sceptics-guide-to.html

‘A Sceptic’s Guide to Atheism… helps us to see that the question of God can be addressed with care and precision… a thorough account of the God debate in contemporary circles… A Sceptic’s Guide to Atheism is a wonderful resource if one’s main aim is to study the history of the New Atheists… most of their arguments, and best quotes on the God debate are contained within… However, the book’s real attraction is [it’s] logical assessment of the atheist arguments… Evidence and reason is allowed to rule above rhetoric and emotive gut-reactions. Williams doesn’t hammer his point across – you don’t finish reading with the sense that you’ve been intellectually mugged. Instead you feel enriched by a plethora of new information… Williams… interacts with the New Atheist arguments, evaluating them logically, thus giving us a well-thought-out perspective… And whilst we have plenty of deep books on both sides… it is unusual to have them interacting with the alternative perspective in such a compelling way… Although it is written from a Christian perspective, Williams’ precise, logical style makes it fascinating reading for the rest of us. Thus it is an essential resource, helping the reader to get to grips with every angle of the God debate.’ – Luke Pollard, Philosophy Now (July/August 2009)

‘If you ever feel unsure of how to answer questions sceptics may have, want to educate yourself or your congregation to be informed about the sorts of debates concerning God prominent in the public square… then this book is for you. It is… a very helpful overview and introduction to the themes and ideas each chapter presents… Williams is impressive in the level of depth and sophistication his arguments go into and the breadth of understanding he demonstrates around the issues… Given that the questions the book examines are the kinds of questions that are relevant to many people and common questions asked, likely to come up in discussion and evangelism, this book can provide some very thorough grounding to be able to understand and respond to the arguments, and is the sort of book that would likely be useful to refer back to long after it has initially been read. I would thoroughly recommend it as a helpful tool to anyone wishing to educate themselves around these questions. God is back in the public debate – use this book to help you engage in those debates in an informed and well researched way.’ – Susannah Clark (Evangelical Alliance’s ‘Public Theology Researcher’)

A Sceptic’s Guide to Atheism: God is Not Dead by Peter S. Williams stands apart among the recent books responding to the so-called new atheism… Williams delves deep into the works and claims of contemporary atheist proponents, excavates their core ideas, evaluates their reasoning, and delivers an extremely thorough, easy-to-read, and philosophically satisfying response… Williams’ writing flows smoothly and his arguments are clear and poignant… A Sceptic’s Guide to Atheism by Peter S. Williams is at the top of the list of this reviewer’s recommendations on books dealing with the new atheism. It may be difficult to find another book on the new atheism that matches this one in scope, depth, analysis, clarity, and completeness. In short, this is the only one you need.’ – Brian Auten, http://apologetics315.blogspot.com/2010/03/book-review-sceptics-guide-to-atheism.html#more

‘this excellent book… presents a reasoned analysis of the subject, giving the reader a new perspective on the atheist’s aggressive confrontation of the Christian faith… Williams effectively answers Dawkins… This is an outstanding book.’ – Ken Mickleson, Science & Christian Belief, Vol 24, No. 1 (2012), p. 91.

I Wish I Could Believe In Meaning: A Response To Nihilism

‘Wonderfully insightful and encouraging.’ – Angus J. Menuge, Professor and Chair of Philosophy, Concordia University, Wisconsin, USA

‘Very well written, it has a powerful (cumulative) argument… I hope it gets a wide circulation.’ – Stuart McAllister

‘I really enjoyed this book. It is a devastating critique of the reductionism of Richard Dawkins. Profound, clear and mind-expanding, I found the chapters on rationality and beauty particularly stimulating’ – Peter May M.D, Chairman of the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship

‘Williams disagrees with Dawkins’ assumption that theists must throw away their brains, and with his definition of science. In response he brings together the expert testimony of philosophers, theologians, and scientists, to build a carefully reasoned case for a theistic understanding of life as both objectively meaningful, and a better explanation of the ‘clues’ available to us. . . if you are of the opinion that nothing written by a philosopher can be understood by mere mortals, then you will be pleasantly surprised by this book. Williams extracts interesting nuggets of truth from great thinkers of the past and present and compares and contrasts them with familiar scenes from current TV shows and movies to make his points. . . Those who are looking to move beyond a general introduction to these topics will also find this book invaluable.’ – www.arn.org

‘Easy to read, fantastically informative… highly entertaining… a cogent argument for believing in God and thereby in meaning. He very effectively takes on Richard Dawkins… With considerable style, Williams demonstrates the extent to which naturalism is fatally flawed… a model of contemporary apologetics.’ – Rev’d Dominic Smart, Themelios

‘a spirited attack on the supposed sufficiency of ontological (atheistic) naturalism… The obvious philosophical sophistication of the author allows him to weave together arguments from… disparate sources… this is an excellent source book, worth shelf-room, clearly written, with a comprehensive bibliography…’ – Professor Peter Hampton, Head of Psychology at Bristol, UWE in Science & Christian Belief Vol 21, No 1.

The Case For Angels

‘quadruply outstanding: stylistically, philosophically, theologically, and in scholarship… engagingly readable… persuasively argued… It reminds me of the works of Mortimer Adler and C.S. Lewis in successfully bridging the gap between the scholarly and the popular… Best of all, it gives the reader a deep and wide philosophical and theological education along the way, solving a number of serious current disputes clearly and reasonably… I can hardly imagine what more a book could possibly do to make a compelling and complete case for angels, unless it takes wing.’ – Professor Peter Kreeft, Boston College

‘Williams identifies the key stumbling blocks that render angels implausible to our intellectual elite and successfully refutes them… I commend this book.’ – Dr William A. Dembski

‘a truly impressive and philosophically sophisticated case for the existence of angels and for the accuracy of the biblical portrayal of them.’ – Dr Gregory A. Boyd

‘provides philosophical strength for this apologetic task, in order to answer the questions of the most tough-minded enquirers.’ – Dr Greg Clarke, Director of the Macquarie Christian Studies Institute

‘This is an excellent survey of the topic and will be of value to believer and sceptic alike.’ – Reg Luhman, Faith and Thought

‘I am currently reading your “Angels” book, and it is proving to be a real blessing to me. I think over the years a kind of partial naturalism had crept its dark way into my thinking when it came to angels. Looking back on ten years in the parish, I fear that in preaching I was keener to stress the subjective experience of those who saw angels, rather than tackle the big question: ‘do angels actually exist?’ Thank you so much for sharing the clarity of your bold insights in the book. It’s been a truly heart-warming experience!’ – Alistair Donald, Chaplain at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh

The Case for God

‘A scrupulous and wide ranging survey of the arguments for the existence of God…’ – Rev’d Dr Sir John Polkinghorne FRS

‘his excellent book The Case for God.’ – John Blanchard (Blanchard includes 11 quotations from The Case for God in his book The Complete Gathered Gold: A Treasury of Quotations for Christians, Evangelical Press, 2006)

‘A robust defence of basic Christian positions in the philosophy of religion from an evangelical but open point of view… There is an admirable breadth of learning and thought on offer here… He has interesting things to say on all these subjects.’ – Rev’d Dr Robert Ellis, Science & Christian Belief

‘This attractively written book… is designed as a persuasive piece rather than a textbook… it is thick enough to be fairly comprehensive, with given lines of argument to follow through, not mere sketches… The book is written to appeal to those who think, even though they are not philosophy specialists. It will be more useful to such a non-Christian than many popular Christian books… The author gives a good defence of the usefulness of reason and argument in support of Christianity… He deals with the problem of evil, and the standard moral, cosmological and design theistic arguments… he concludes by reviewing a potpourri of ‘other’ arguments, from consent, authority, experience, desire, and from the disaster of absurdity. This last relates to the whole question of purpose and meaning in the universe, and gives Williams a chance to mention some deeper apologetic conceptions… Williams points out that to be convinced of the existence of God is not yet to act upon that truth. To make the case for commitment, believers can use other arguments as an addendum to the theistic ones.’ – Michael Peat, Evangelicals Now, 2000.

Back in Time: A Thinking Fan’s Guide to Doctor Who, (Damaris, 2005)

‘Fascinating and intelligent – a must for anyone who’s ever considered the why of Who’ – Rob Shearman, scriptwriter on the 2005 series of Doctor Who

‘This is a fun book for fans of the Doctor who want to go further into the programme’s history, its trivia and its big questions of God, the Universe and what it means to be human.’ – Dr. David Wilkinson, author and lecturer in science & theology at the University of Durham

‘a clever approach… A good read for fans, and even better read for those who want a different slant on the Christian story.’ – Ian Gibson, TheGoodBookStall

‘aptly named… appeals to all sci-fi buffs as it examines the intersection of Who with theology and society… This thoroughly well researched (unauthorised) book will appeal to thinkers’ – Kingsley Wray, serious4youth ministry, Direction Magazine

‘As fans, the authors clearly know their stuff… The account of the development of the Daleks as a metaphor for various cultural terrors, from 1963’s atomic Nazis to 2005’s religious zealots, is splendid, and similar gems (including an examination of the Doctor’s attitude to violence, killing and self-sacrifice) are scattered throughout… the style is very readable, and leavened helpfully with humour.’ – Philip Purser-Hallard @ www.surefish.co.uk

‘Science fiction is skilfully weaved with spiritual fact as the writers take us on a journey from Eccleston to Ecclesiastes… Who fans are encouraged to approach faith in an intelligent, informed manner… Back in Time is accessible and well-written, designed to be read by Who aficionados regardless of background. It offers a cringe-free “way in” to the Christian faith, grounded in concepts and language which will be familiar to sci-fi devotees. It’s also a good introduction to Who for anyone wishing to keep abreast of this most contemporary of cultural phenomena.’ – David Giles, Salvation Army

‘written by fans for fans this book… has much to commend it as an application of the Christian mind to contemporary culture. I found plenty of useful material for launching pre-evangelistic conversation with those who share a fascination with the enigmatic Doctor, or science fiction more generally… The conversational and low-cringe style makes it suitable for giving to interested non-Christian friends… succinctly critiques a materialistic worldview with its commitment to science as the key to what we can and cannot know… it offers a winsome and provocative introduction to the Christian worldview. By being grounded in a popular TV show it is on home ground for the science fiction-loving sceptic. I do not hesitate to recommend it as a barrier-breaking appetiser.’ – Hugh Griffin, Evangelicals Now

The Talking About series of books

‘Intelligent and accessible, the Talking About books are ideal for anyone who wants to engage effectively with today’s big issues’ – Rich Cline, Editor, Idea Magazine


‘The Bible has become toxic for many in British Society and the confidence of Christians to rely on their Scriptures publically has consequently been knocked. Biblefresh will help confidence recovery.’ – Ann Holt, Executive Director, Bible Society

Peer Reviewed Journal Publications:

‘Is Christianity Childish? Rhetorical Advice For Christian Apologists From C. S. Lewis’s Essay: “On Three Ways Of Writing For Children”’, Linguaculture (Volume 13, no. 1, 2022), https://www.peterswilliams.com/2022/08/18/is-christianity-childish/.

‘Scientific Rebuttals to Ancient Alien Conspiracy Theories as Popular Alternatives to Biblical History’ Theofilos (2020).

‘C.S. Lewis as a Central Figure in Formulating the Theistic Argument from Desire’, Linguaculture (Volume 10, 2019:2) http://journal.linguaculture.ro/images/2019-2/Linguaculture%202_2019_11_Peter%20S%20Williams.pdf

‘The Epistle of James vs. Evolutionary Christology’ Theofilos vol. 9, Nr 1 (2016).

‘Apologetics in 3D: Persuading across Spiritualities with the Apostle Paul’, Theofilos 2012:1, p. 3-24 – republished @ www.bethinking.org/apologetics/apologetics-in-3d

‘The Emperor’s Incoherent New Clothes: Pointing the Finger at Dawkins’ Atheism’, Think, Issue 24, Volume 9, Spring 2010 @ http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayFulltext?type=1&pdftype=1&fid=7191812&jid=THI&volumeId=9&issueId=24&aid=7191804

‘The Design Inference from Specified Complexity Defended by Scholars Outside the Intelligent Design Movement – A Critical Review’, Philosophia Christi, Volume 9, Number 2, 2007, p. 407-428, available on-line @ www.discovery.org/a/4499

‘Christianity, Space and Aliens’, Quodlibet Journal of Christian Theology and Philosophy (www.quodlibet.net/) Volume 5 Number 2-3, July 2003 @ www.quodlibet.net/articles/williams-space.shtml Also published www.arn.org/docs/williams/pw_christianityspaceandaliens.htm & @ www.bethinking.org/culture-worldview/christianity-space-and-aliens.htm

‘Why Naturalists Should Mind about Physicalism, and Vice Versa’, Quodlibet Journal of Christian Theology and Philosophy (www.quodlibet.net/) Volume 4 Number 2-3, Summer 2002 @ www.quodlibet.net/articles/williams-mind.shtml. Also published @ www.arn.org/docs/williams/pw_whynaturalistsshouldmind.htm

‘New Testament Criticism and Jesus the Exorcist’, Quodlibet Journal of Christian Theology and Philosophy (www.quodlibet.net/), Volume 4 Number 1, Winter 2002 @ www.quodlibet.net/articles/williams-criticism.shtml

‘Aesthetic Arguments for the Existence of God’, Quodlibet Journal of Christian Theology and Philosophy (www.quodlibet.net/, cf. www.intute.ac.uk/artsandhumanities/cgi-bin/fullrecord.pl?handle=humbul2396), Volume 3 Number 3, Summer 2001 @ www.quodlibet.net/articles/williams-aesthetic.shtml

Reviews in Journals

‘Edward Farley, Faith and Beauty: A Theological Aesthetic (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2001)’, Themelios, vol. 28, Issue 2, Spring 2003.

Joint Papers

Lat Blaylock & Peter S. Williams, ‘Seventeen year olds: more spiritual than religious, less atheistic than you may have thought’ (September 2005) @ http://dare2engage.org/wp-content/uploads/2007/05/spiritual-survey.doc

Lat Blaylock & Peter S. Williams, ‘Explaining the beliefs of 16-19 year olds. Respect, spirituality, human rights, life after death’ @ http://dare2engage.org/wp-content/uploads/2007/05/explaining-the-beliefs-of-16-19s.doc

Other Publications

‘An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Dating the Fourth Gospel, Part II: Other Evidence’ Theofilos 2022-1/2.

‘An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Dating the Fourth Gospel, Part I:John 5:2 and Papyrus 52′, Theofilos. Volume 13, 2021, issue 1-2.

‘Natural Theology and Science in Contemporary Apologetic Context’ Theofilos (2020).

Resurrection: Faith or Fact? Miracle Not Required?’ Theofilos vol.11, nr 2 (2019).

‘A Pre-Modern Reflection Upon the Modernist Foundations of Postmodernism’ Theofilos vol. 8. Nr. 2, 2015, p. 160-172.

‘Is Christianity Unscientific?’ Theofilos, 2013.

‘Can Moral Objectivism Do Without God?’ Theofilos, 2012.

‘The New Atheism and the Emperor’s New Clothes’ Unity (Cam, Dursley & District Churches Together) Summer 2009, p. 24-25.

‘Science and Theology as Partners in the Quest for Truth’ Unity (Cam, Dursley & District Churches Together) Summer 2009, p. 31.

‘Darwin’s Rottweiler and the Public Understanding of Scientism’ Philosophy Now, Issue 44, January/February 2004 (cf. www.philosophynow.org/issue44/44williams.htm). Republished online @ www.arn.org/docs/williams/pw_dawkinsfallacies.htm File Date: 11.21.03 Also Republished @ www.bethinking.org/science-christianity/darwins-rottweiler-and-the-public-understanding.htm

‘Is there a personal God? Head to head debate. Atheist Michael Martin and Christian Peter S. Williams debate the existence of a unitary, personal god’, The Philosopher’s Magazine, Issue Eight, Autumn 1999, p. 19-23.

‘The Right to Believe’ The Philosopher’s Magazine, Issue One, Winter 1997, p. 49-51.

‘I thank God for my deaf Love’ Healing & Wholeness, No 23 May/June 1996, p. 22-23.

‘A Nice Knock Down Argument’ Philosophy Now, Issue No. 13, Autumn 1995, p. 46-47.


1. Gary R. Habermas references my book A Skeptic’s Guide to Atheism in several footnotes in his book On the Resurrection, Volume 2 (B&H, 2025).

2. Andrew F. Smith quotes me several times in his book A Journey in Christian Apologetic and Philosophy (BookPrint, 2023).

3. Ola Hossjer cites my paper ‘Apologetics in 3D’ in his book Becoming a Christian: Combining Prior Belief, Evidence, and Will (Wipf & Stock, 2018), p. 35.

4. Robert Sloan Lee references my defence on C.S. Lewis’ argument from desire in Gregory Bassham ed., C.S. Lewis’ Apologetics: For and Against (Rodolpi-Brill, 2015) in his Paper “As if Swallowing Light Itself: Part I” in C.S. Lewis as Philosopher: Truth, Goodness, and Beauty (David Baggett, Gary R. Habermas and Jerry L. Walls, ed.’s. Liberty University Press, 2017), p. 323.

5. Antony Latham references personal correspondence with me on three occasions in his book The Enigma Of Consciousness: Reclaiming the Soul (Janus, 2012), p. 15, 92 & 156.

6. Robin Parry cites and quotes from The Case for Angels (Paternoster, 2002) in the introduction to William K. Kay & Robin Parry (ed.’s), Exorcism and Deliverance: Multi-Disciplinary Studies (Paternoster, 2011), p. 13 & 14.

7. David Albert Jones references The Case for Angels (Paternoster, 2002) in Angels: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2011), p. 131. Likewise in his Angels: A History (Oxford University Press, 2010), p. 145.

8. J.P. Moreland cites The Case for Angels (Paternoster, 2002) in his book Consciousness and the Existence of God: A Theistic Argument (Routledge, 2009), p. 147, Endnote 62/Endnotes p. 213.

9. William A. Dembski & Sean McDowell cite my paper on ‘The Design Inference from Specified Complexity Defended by Scholars Outside the Intelligent Design Movement: A Critical Review’ (Philosophia Christi vol. 9, no. 2., 2007, 407-28) in their book Understanding Intelligent Design: Everything You Need To Know In Plain Language (Harvest House, 2008), p. 104, Endnote 3/Endnotes, p. 217.

10. John Blanchard includes 11 quotations from The Case for God in his book The Complete Gathered Gold: A Treasury of Quotations for Christians (Evangelical Press, 2006).


‘Peter Williams is a bright, young British philosopher and a skillful debater with whom I had the privilege of partnering in our Cambridge Union Society debate in 2011. I recommend his work enthusiastically.’ – Professor William Lane Craig

‘Peter S. Williams [is] a very capable British apologist’ – Professor William Lane Craig

‘a fine British apologist’ – Dr. Angus J. Menuge

‘one of Britain’s brightest young philosophers.’ – Philip Vander Elst, author of C.S. Lewis: a short introduction

‘[Williams has] much of value to say to the broad public…’ – Dr W. David Beck, Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, Professor of Philosophy, Liberty University

‘Peter S. Williams is the only writer I know who can succinctly and expertly marshal the ideas of so many leading philosophers and scientists.’ – Anthony Latham M.D, author of The Naked Emperor: Darwinism Exposed

‘Thank you so much for your welcome yesterday. I felt the day was excellent, really informative & will enable us to be more confident during the mission season. We are so grateful to God for you all & for your generosity towards our team & UCCF as a movement.’ – Nay, UCCF southern area lead staff worker (commenting upon a staff training day run by Damaris at which I was one of two speakers in Jan 2010)

‘I am currently reading your “Angels” book, and it is proving to be a real blessing to me. I think over the years a kind of partial naturalism had crept its dark way into my thinking when it came to angels. Looking back on ten years in the parish, I fear that in preaching I was keener to stress the subjective experience of those who saw angels, rather than tackle the big question: ‘do angels actually exist?’ Thank you so much for sharing the clarity of your bold insights in the book. It’s been a truly heart-warming experience!’ – Alistair Donald, Chaplain at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh.

‘Dear Peter, I’ve just read through the student feedback from your session last night and it is outstanding. I know from talking to many of them later in the evening that they had found it extremely helpful and it has given many much food for thought.  Thank you for gifting your time and expertise to us in this way. It is much appreciated and really does help us shape the syllabus for the future as we see what works in these locally delivered sessions. It was great to meet you and I hope that we will be able to collaborate further in the future. With every blessing…’ – Catherine Delve New Wine Training Partnership, Hub Director, Hampshire (April 2012).

‘Dear Peter, I just wanted to pass along my appreciation for your very helpful work – both your writings and your podcasts. I’ve spent the last few months reading your articles and books, and listening to your debates, interviews, and lectures, and I’m thrilled to have discovered the world of Christian philosophy with which I was completely unfamiliar before. I’m a Christian palaeontologist myself, and although my beliefs tend to get short shrift among my atheist colleagues, your works – and those of others you have directed me to (Plantinga, Craig, Habermas, etc.) – have really given me the confidence to speak up this past little while. Thanks for that. I really look forward to struggling with more of your work. God bless’ – Jordan Mallon, Ph.D. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary.

‘Peter is very, very good at what he does, and the group related to him well and quickly. He has a quick mind and is able to respond to unexpected objections and comments with lightening speed. His friendliness and approachability won him many friends, and although it was a long and heavy morning, there was real reluctance on the part of most people to bring it to and end.’ – John Allan, School Chaplain, Exeter School, 2012.

‘Peter is a careful philosopher (debating side-by-side with William Lane Craig), but also all about communicating the message of Jesus. Invite him to introduce your church to apologetics, or bring him to your university student group.’ – Brian Auten, Apologetics315.com (www.apologetics315.com/2012/08/10-apologists-you-should-invite.html)

‘as a graduate student of philosophy, I’m a eager reader of your books and online articles, which have been instrumental in my rejection of agnosticism and naturalism, and have contributed strongly to make me a new-born Christian. I’ve discussed your published material in special classes with fellows students and philosophers here in Venezuela, and it have made some open mind skeptics (agnostics and atheists) to re-think their views on morality and meaning under naturalism, the reasonability of intelligent design and the possibility or even probability of God’s existence (in a few weeks, I’m going to discuss with them your latest book on Jesus) So, thank you very much for that.’ – Mary Lara, from Venezuela