Review: Anthony O’Hear: Beyond Evolution – Human Nature and the Limits of Evolutionary Explanation (Oxford, 1997)
‘Darwin’s influence on modern thinking about the design hypothesis’
‘Darwin’s influence on modern thinking about the design hypothesis’
‘Atheists Against Darwinism’
‘Atheists Against Darwinism’
‘Can Moral Objectivism Do Without God?’
‘Can Moral Objectivism Do Without God‘ (v 3, July 2022), original version published in Norwegian in Theofilos (2011).
‘Is Christianity Unscientific?’
‘Is Christianity Unscientific?’ Theofilos (2013)
‘The Design Inference from Specified Complexity Defended by Scholars Outside the Intelligent Design Movement – A Critical Review’ (Peer Reviewed)
‘The Design Inference from Specified Complexity Defended by Scholars Outside the Intelligent Design Movement – A Critical Review’, Philosophia Christi (Volume 9, Number 2, 2007)
‘A Brief Introduction to and Defence of the Modern Ontological Argument’
‘A Brief Introduction to and Defence of the Modern Ontological Argument’ Theofilus (Volume 7, 2015:3)
‘The Epistle of St. James vs. Evolutionary Christology’ (Peer Reviewed)
‘The Epistle of St. James vs. Evolutionary Christology’ Theofilos (Volume 8, 2016:1)
‘C.S. Lewis as a Central Figure in Formulating the Theistic Argument from Desire’ (Peer Reviewed)
‘C.S. Lewis as a Central Figure in Formulating the Theistic Argument from Desire’, Linguaculture (Volume 10, 2019:2)
The Apologetics of Cultural Re-Enchantment in 3D: A Review Essay of Fujimura’s Culture Care & Gould’s Cultural Apologetics
This review article was published in Theofilos 2019/1 (June / July), pp. 79-88. PSW_Cultural_Apologetics