In this text the author lays out, in layman’s terms, the primary arguments for the existence and nature of God. He considers the problem of evil, and then sets out the various positive arguments, in favour of God’s existence: the Moral argument; the Cosmological argument; the argument from design; and then more personal arguments such as Common Consent, Authority and Religious Experience. He concludes by providing a summaryof the kind of God to whom these arguments point.
Praise for The Case for God
‘A scrupulous and wide ranging survey of the arguments for the existence of God…’ – Rev’d Dr Sir John Polkinghorne FRS
‘his excellent book The Case for God.’ – John Blanchard (Blanchard includes 11 quotations from The Case for God in his book The Complete Gathered Gold: A Treasury of Quotations for Christians, Evangelical Press, 2006)
‘A robust defence of basic Christian positions in the philosophy of religion from an evangelical but open point of view… There is an admirable breadth of learning and thought on offer here… He has interesting things to say on all these subjects.’ – Rev’d Dr Robert Ellis, Science & Christian Belief
‘This attractively written book… is thick enough to be fairly comprehensive… The book is written to appeal to those who think, even though they are not philosophy specialists… The author gives a good defence of the usefulness of reason and argument in support of Christianity… He deals with the problem of evil, and the standard moral, cosmological and design theistic arguments… he concludes by reviewing a potpourri of ‘other’ arguments, from consent, authority, experience, desire, and from the disaster of absurdity. This last relates to the whole question of purpose and meaning in the universe, and gives Williams a chance to mention some deeper apologetic conceptions… Williams points out that to be convinced of the existence of God is not yet to act upon that truth. To make the case for commitment, believers can use other arguments as an addendum to the theistic ones.’ – Michael Peat, Evangelicals Now, 2000.